SUBBA REDDY, S.BIJENDRA KUMAR RAY2016-06-042016-06-042011 present study entitled “An Economic Study of Prospects of Contract Farming in Poultry Enterprises in Tirupati Rural Mandal of Chittoor District of Andhra Pradesh” was undertaken to study the prospects of broiler production under contract and non-contract farms situation. This study was undertaken through a survey method by contacting 30 broiler farms, representing non-contract and contract broiler farms. The average number of broilers per farm per cycle were 7800 and 26000 in non-contract and contract farms respectively. All the contract farms (100 per cent) took broiler farming as main occupation in contrast to non-contrast farms (53.33 per cent). Among different strains of broilers Vencob and Ross 360 were the most popular strains reared by broiler farmers of Tirupati Rural mandal under contract and non-contract farm situation. The average production cost per 1000 broilers/cycle were phenomenally higher (Rs.112875.26) on contract broiler farms over that of non-contract broiler farms (Rs.93473.19). The average gross return per 1000 broilers/cycle were distinctly higher on contract broiler farms (Rs.151474.93) than that of non-contract broiler farms (Rs.117019.75). The return/rupee of investment was higher on contract broiler farms (1.34) over that of non-contract farms (1.25) indicating the profitability and economic of contract farms due to the following reasons such as better growth broiler in chicken weight, low rate of mortality, better management and timely vaccination and provision of highly nutrient poultry feeds and supplements. The break-even sale weight in kilograms per 1000 broilers per cycle was less on contract broiler farms (152.20 kg) than that of non-contract broiler farms (154.16 kg). The margin of safety was more for contract broiler farms in contrast to non-contract broiler farms indicating better risk bearing capacity in the case of contract broiler farms. The Multiple Linear Regression (MLR) analysis revealed that X1 input i.e. feed input had positive impact on chicken weight of broilers (i.e. 0.581 kg/per one kg of feed) and X2 input i.e. electricity charges per unit of 1000 birds were excessively incurred resulting in negative impact (-0.271 X2) on broiler chicken weight. The dummy variable X3 input has impact on chicken weight (X3 = 183 kg) in broiler production indicating relative profitability of broiler production under contract farms. The total labour employed in mandays and woman days per 1000 broilers per cycle were higher on contract broiler farms (18.56 days) over that of non-contract broiler farms (15.98 days). This indicates that employment generation was more in contract broilers farms over that of non-contract broiler farms. Hence, this study as a whole revealed that with contract broiler farms, growers achieved more incomes and profits, having better prospects and profitability and it is more efficient than non-contract broiler production.enlivestock, costs, agreements, contract farming, manpower, productivity, marketing, profit, variable costs, biological phenomenaTIRUPATI RURAL MANDAL, CHITTOOR DISTRICT, ANDHRA PRADESHAN ECONOMIC STUDY OF PROSPECTS OF CONTRACT FARMING IN POULTRY ENTERPRISES IN TIRUPATI RURAL MANDAL OF CHITTOOR DISTRICT OF ANDHRA PRADESHThesis