Vig, DeepikaPant, Ulka2023-12-292023-12-292023Pant, Ulka (2023). Socio-personal variables and gender role attitude among adolescents (Unpublished M.Sc. thesis). Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, Punjab, India. purpose of the present study was to assess the gender and locale differences in gender role attitudes and socio-personal variables of 8th and 11th class adolescents along with the relationship of gender role attitude with selected socio-personal variables. The study was carried out on 240 adolescents, 120 each from rural and urban areas, and both genders were represented equally. A self-structured Personal Information Sheet was used to assess the demographic information. The Gender Role Attitude Scale (Modified) by Pareek and Jain (2019) was used to assess the gender role attitude of adolescents. A Self-Structured Media Influence Questionnaire was used to assess the influence of media in shaping gender role in adolescents. The Self-Structured Peer Influence Questionnaire was used to assess the influence of peers in determining the gender role attitude of adolescents. The results revealed that majority of the adolescents were in the transitional stage of gender role attitude and were under medium media and peer influence. Urban adolescents exhibited modern gender role attitude and experienced higher media and peer influence. A higher proportion of adolescent girls exhibited modern gender role attitudes as well as experienced higher media and peer influence as compared to boys. The adolescents of 11th class were more inclined towards modern gender role attitudes, when compared to class 8th adolescents. The Media Influence, Peer Influence and Father’s education were found to be significantly associated with gender role attitude. This emphasized that with increase in father’s education level, media influence and peer influence, the proportion of individuals with modern gender role attitudes increased significantly.EnglishSocio-personal variables and gender role attitude among adolescentsThesis