Babel, SudhaSanchiher, Latika2017-07-142017-07-142016Sanchiher and Babel, 2016 Assessment of Environmental Friendly Sizing Agent from Cassia fistula Seed and its Impact on Cotton Fabric PropertiesWith the emerging worldwide interest in adopting and studying traditional starching methods and exploiting their potential based on different plant source. Nature has provided abundant plant wealth, which possess medicinal virtues for all living creature. The essential values of some plants have long been published but a large number of them remain unexplored as yet. In this regard, one such plant is Cassia fistula. With this in the mind the present research entitled “Efficacy assessment of environmental friendly sizing agent from Cassia fistula seeds and its impact on cotton fabric properties” was conducted. To achieve objectives of the study it was carried out in four stages. 1. Characterization of the starch obtained from Cassia fistula seed. 2. Application of starch. 3. Assessment of fabric parameters. 4. Assessment of the acceptability of starched fabric by consumer. Muslin cloth having different fabric weight was selected for the experiments. Cassia fistula pods were collected from the MPUAT University campus and then processed into fine powder. The size and shape of starch powder (particles) extracted from Cassia fistula seed were determined using Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM). Three concentration of starch 2.5%, 5%, and7.5% were prepared and applied on desized muslin fabrics. The starched samples were assessed to see the effect of different concentrations of starch on various physical parameters before and after. These starched samples were visually evaluated by the panel of 5 members from Textile and Apparel Design department to select one best concentration out of three. Then one selected concentration of Cassia fistula was compare with commercially available starch arrowroot. 30 post graduate girls were selected for assessment of the acceptability of starched dupatta in term of physical parameters. Findings of the study revealed that Cassia fistula starch can be used on cotton muslin fabric with different concentrations. It gives satisfactory results in terms of texture, luster, thickness, stiffness and drapability. Five per cent concentration of Cassia fistula starch with medium muslin was most preferred by the judges. Cassia fistula starch shows better result as compare to commercial starch Maranta Arundinacea (arrowroot). There was increase in physical parameters when sized with Cassia fistula starch. The stiffness of fabric, fabric count, thickness of the fabric and fabric weight were increased due to film formation on the surface of the fabric. Fabric colour and texture became dull and rough because of brown and larger starch particles. But there was no change in tensile strength after sizing treatment. In order to assess the acceptability of the developed starch a rating Performa was developed based on five point rating scale and was given to 30 respondents to find its relative ranking. It was found that Cassia fistula starched dupatta was acceptable by 86 per cent respondents. It can be concluded that muslin can be successfully sized with natural starch of Cassia fistula seeds.ennullEfficacy Assessment of Environmental Friendly Sizing Agent from Cassia fistula Seed and its Impact on Cotton Fabric PropertiesThesis