Dahiya, RitaSeema2017-11-172017-11-172017http://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810035905Hydraulic properties of soils plays a significant role in adoption of appropriate water management practices capable of enhancing input use efficiency of soils of arid and semi arid regions. Keeping in view the importance of the hydraulic properties, study was carried out by collecting the soil samples from 0-15 and 15-30 cm depths at farmers’ field in different villages spread over nine districts of the State during 2016-17. The experimental soils were found to belong to six textural classes i.e., sand, loamy sand, sandy loam, loam, silty loam and sandy clay loam; on the basis of mechanical analysis of the samples. The soils were analyzed for organic carbon (OC) content, electrical conductivity, pH, saturated hydraulic conductivity (Ksat), sodium adsorption ratio, soil moisture characteristics, moisture at filed capacity and permanent wilting point, aggregate size analysis and aggregate stability index using standard methods. The pH1:2, EC1:2, OC of soils was found ranging from 6.69-8.08, 0.11-3.68 dS/m and 0.14 – 0.72%, respectively for both the soil depths. The Ksat of the soils was found significantly and positively correlated with bulk density and negatively correlated with silt+clay content, soil OC, water stable aggregates and mean weight diameter .Similarly, soil moisture at field capacity and permanent wilting point were found significantly positively correlated with silt+clay content, soil organic carbon, water stable aggregates and mean weight diameter and significantly negatively correlated with bulk density. Maximum water holding capacity was also found significantly positively correlated with silt+clay content, soil OC, water stable aggregates and mean weight diameter and significantly negatively correlated with bulk density. No significant correlation was found between hydraulic properties and soluble salt concentration.enHydraulic properties of soils as influenced by texture, organic matter and soluble saltsThesis