KACHAPUR, M.R.CHETHANA, B. S.2019-10-222019-10-222001-08-06Th-5911http://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810132450Among the several diseases, Alternaria leaf blight is one of the most destructive foliar disease which causes heavy loss in onions. The causal organism of the disease is Alternaria porri (Ellis) Ciff. Studies on Alternaria leaf blight of onion includes, survey for incidence of disease in parts of northern Kamataka, effect of date of sowing on the incidence of the disease, evaluation of varieties for disease resistance, cultural and nutritional studies, in vitro and in vivo evaluation of fungicides. Survey for incidence of Alternaria leaf blight in parts of northem Kamataka revealed that disease was moderate during Kharif\999. The conidiophores were straight or flexuous, septate, pale brown in colour and measured 120 qm in long and 6-10 qm thick, with one or several conidial scars. The fungus reached maximum growth on 12th day of incubation in potato dextrose broth. Potato dextrose medium supported maximum growh of Alternaria porri (Ellis) Ciff. Arabinose and potassium nitrate were found to be best carbon and nitrogen sources for the growth of Alternaria porri (Ellis) Ciff respectively. The highest incidence of the disease was recorded in the early sown crop. But the incidence decreased in late sown crop. Screening of onion genotypes indicated that none of the cultivars were immune and resistance to the disease. But only one genotype Arka kalyan showed, moderately resistant reaction to the disease. In vitro evaluation studies indicated that, mancozeb (Indofil, M -45) and difenoconazole (score) were found to be best systemic and non systemic flingitoxicants against the pathogen respectively. Mancozeb is the best fungicide in controlling the spread of Alternaria leaf blight under field condition. The bulb yield and cost benefit ration were high in mancozeb sprayed treatment.ennullSTUDIES ON ALTERNARIA LEAF BLIGHT OF ONION {Allium cepa L.)Thesis