SAROJA, KMETI, RAJESHWARI D2019-10-152019-10-151999No . of references 72 present study aimed at studying the various problems in the family and rural community background context of female agricultural labourers. This study conducted during the year 1998-99 in ten randomized villages of Mundaragi taluk, had a randomized sample of 140 female labourers. A subsample of ten respondents was purposively selected for case studies to gain deeper insights into their problems. Majority (71%) of respondents were married before the legal age for marriage. All the respondents were facing the problems of health, no work during off season/drought and work-related problems. Majority of respondents were found to face the problem of food (93%), childcare (93%), collection of fire wood and drinking water (91%). Nearly one-third of them were found to face marital problems. One-fourth of them were found to be female heads of the family. An empirical model of sequence of life events of the sample; was formulated from the results. This model revealed that the poverty, large sized family, child labour, illiteracy and lack of food which were present in natal family of the respondent continued to exist even in her marital family. Thus the threat of continuation of the vicious circle of poverty and associated factors was found to be real in the next generation. Results imply an imminent multipronged effort to break this circle. Important among the efforts suggested were 1) Proper distribution of sufficient quantity of food grains to the agricultural labourers through fair price shop. 2) Implementation of labour laws, provision of creche and Anganwadi facilities for the whole day. 3) Need to increase the number of ANMs and general improvement of rural health care. 4) Removal of arrack shops from all villages. 5] As none of the sample were found to aware of government rural development/ poverty alleviation programmes operating, it is suggested that the active participation of the women agricultural labourers need to be sought by the concerned officials. 6) It is suggested that the procedures for procuring loan from the banks need to be simplified and made easily available to the rural poor.ennullPROBLEMS OF FEMALE AGRICULTURAL LABOURERS IN MUNDARAGI TALUK OF GADAG DISTRICTThesis