Dr. Sunil M. PatelDeepak D. Desai2017-03-022017-03-022013http://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810003702India is the largest milk producer of the world with about 127 MMT of milk per annum. Having achieved this distinction in milk production, Indian dairy industry is passing through a transition phase due to the requirements of Codex International Standards of milk and milk products. Therefore, major emphasis is being laid on the quality of the raw milk and cold chain of milk transportation. The concept of chilling of the milk to about 4-5 ºC immediately after the production is well established in order to control the microbial count in the raw milk to improve the quality of the milk and milk products prepared from the milk. Bulk Milk Coolers (BMC) of various capacities are now being used for chilling of milk immediately after the reception of milk from individual milk producers at village milk collection centre in many organized dairy plants. There are several small milk producers’ co-operative societies located in remote place where availability of electric power supply is uncertain. Therefore, there is a need for promoting the use of solar energy wherever possible not only to conserve the high grade electrical power but also helps in cold chain of milk transportation by using solar powered electricity for the operation of BMC.endairy engineeringEvaluationPERFORMANCE EVALUATION OF SOLAR BASED MILK COOLING SYSTEMThesis