Prabhu C. GanigerSHARANABASU2023-01-182023-01-182022-03-31 study was carried out at University of Agricultural Sciences, GKVK, Bengaluru. Agromyzid flies were collected from different parts of Karnataka during October, 2020 to November, 2021 by using sweep net, malaise trap and rearing from infested host plants. A maximum of 76.85 per cent of the specimens were collected by rearing, followed by sweep net (19.90 %) and malaise trap (3.24 %). A total of 432 agromyzids were collected, of which 89 males and 343 were females. Among the collected flies 59.02 and 40.97 per cent belonged to the subfamilies Agromyzinae and Phytomyzinae, respectively. Agromyzids were collected from different infested parts of host plants viz., leaves, pods, seeds and stems. Among these, the highest number of flies were obtained from leaf mines (56.92 %) followed by pods (30.72 %), stem (6.92 %) and seeds (5.42 %). Agromyzids like Melanagromyza obtusa Malloch, M. hibisci Spencer and M. sojae Zehntner were basically collected from crops viz., Cajanus cajan (L.) Abelmoschus esculentus (L.), Glycine max (L.), respectively. Serpentine leaf miner, Liriomyza trifolii Burgess collected from Ricinus communis (L.), Vicia faba (L.), Cucumis sativus (L.), Solanum lycopersicum (L.), Spinacia oleracea (L.) and Vigna unguiculata (L.). Whereas Ophiomyia lantanae Froggatt and Calycomyza sp. affects seeds and leaves of Lantana camara (L.) respectively. A total of 10 agromyzid species were identified. Identification keys and description for each species are provided. In the present study, the genera Cerodontha and Calycomyza were recorded for the first time from Karnataka.EnglishFAUNISTIC STUDIES ON AGROMYZID FLIES ASSOCIATED WITH ECONOMICALLY IMPORTANT CROPS OF KARNATAKAThesis