KANAKA DURGA, KHARI NAYAK, BUKKE2017-01-022017-01-022016http://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/93991A field experiment entitled “Standardization of seed production techniques in Dhaincha (Sesbania aculeata)” was conducted during kharif, 2015 at Seed Research & Technology Center, Rajendranagar, Hyderabad. The experiment was laid out in a split plot design with three main treatments (with pinching at 20 DAS, without pinching and spray of cycocel @ 75 ppm at peak flowering stage) and five sub treatments (foliar spray with DAP 2%, foliar spray with MN Mixture (ZnSO4 0.5% + Boric acid 0.3%), foliar spray with NAA @ 40 ppm, foliar spray with DAP 2% + MN Mixture (Zn + B) + NAA and control) in three replications. Observations on yield and yield attributing characters like plant height (cm), days to first flowering, days to 50% flowering, days to maturity, number of branches plant -1, number of pods plant-1, pod length (cm), number of seeds pod-1, pod yield plant-1 (g), seed yield plant-1 (g), seed yield ha-1 (q), seed recovery percentage and 100 seed weight (g) were recorded. Seed of the harvested produce was tested for seed quality parameters like germination (%), root length (cm), shoot length (cm), total seedling length (cm), seedling vigour index I, seedling dry weight (g), seedling vigour index II, speed of germination, electrical conductivity of seed leachates (μS cm-1) and total fungal colonies. Pinching treatment has significantly prolonged the time taken for the appearance of the first flower by about four days and days to 50% flowering and maturity by three days. Among the yield and yield attributing characters, pinching of dhaincha crop at 20 DAS exerted profound influence on reducing the height of the plant and improving the number of branches plant-1, number of pods plant-1, seed yield plant-1 and seed yield ha-1. The per cent improvement in branches plant-1 due to pinching and cycocel spray @ 75 ppm was 30.95% and 11.48%, respectively as compare to without pinching. Similarly, the per cent increase in seed yield due to pinching was 15.38% (over control) and 7.70% (over spray of cycocel @ 75 ppm). On the other hand, foliar spray of cycocel @ 75 ppm resulted in significant improvement in 100 seed weight. With respect to number of seeds pod-1, foliar spray of cycocel @ 75 ppm and pinching treatment were found superior. Among the seed quality parameters, the use of growth retardant cycocel significantly contributed to improvement of seedling dry weight and seedling vigour index- II. While, pinching treatment contributed to significant increase in speed of germination and field emergence of dhaincha seeds. Among different foliar nutritions, dhaincha crop without any foliar spray took maximum days for initiation of first flower (32.7 days) and days to maturity (85 days). The treatment S2 i.e. foliar spray with micronutrient mixture (ZnS04 0.5 % + Boric acid 0.3%) contributed to significant increase in pods plant-1, 100 seed weight and seed yield. Among the seed quality traits, the treatment S4 i.e. foliar spray with DAP 2% + micronutrient mixture (Zn + B) + NAA was found superior as it resulted in maximum germination percentage, while S3 i.e. foliar spray with NAA 40 ppm was found promising for speed of germination and field emergence. Among the interaction effects, the treatment combination M1S5 i.e. pinching + without foliar nutrition took maximum number of days for the appearance of first flower (36), 50% flowering (41.7 days) and maturity. The treatment combination M1S2 i.e. pinching + foliar spray with micronutrient mixture (ZnS04 0.5% + Boric acid 0.3%) recorded maximum pods plant-1 (31.2) and pod yield plant-1. While, M1S3 i.e. pinching + foliar spray with NAA 40 ppm was found superior for pod yield plant-1 and seed yield plant-1. The combination M3S1 i.e. foliar spray of cycocel @ 75 ppm + foliar spray with DAP 2% was found superior for germination, while the interactive effect involving M2S3 i.e. without pinching + foliar spray with NAA 40 ppm was found promising for seedling characters like root length, shoot length and seedling length, while M1S3 i.e., pinching + foliar spray with NAA 40 ppm had better emergence under field conditions. Therefore, it can be concluded from the experimental results that pinching of the dhaincha crop at 20 DAS in combination with foliar spray of NAA @ 40 ppm and pinching at 20 DAS coupled with foliar spray with micronutrient mixture (ZnS04 0.5% + Boric acid 0.3%) may be opted as an effective technique for obtaining maximum quality seed.enSTANDARDIZATION OF SEED PRODUCTION TECHNIQUES IN DHAINCHA (Sesbania aculeata)Thesis