K. M. KarethaPRADIP PARMAR2021-07-082021-07-082019-08https://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810170286The present investigation entitled “Effect of GA3 and growing media on germination and seedling growth of jamun (Syzygium cumini L.) cv. Local” was conducted at Fruit Research Station Lalbaug, Department of Horticulture, College of Agriculture, JAU, Junagadh. The treatments comprised of different concentrations of GA3 (G1: Water soaked, G2: GA3 300 ppm, G3: GA3 400 ppm and G4: GA3 500 ppm) and different growing media [M1: Soil+ Cocopeat+ FYM (1:1:1), M2: Soil+ Cocopeat+ FYM (2:1:1), M3: Soil+ Cocopeat+ Vermicompost (1:1:1), M4: Soil+ Cocopeat+ Vermicompost (2:1:1)]. The experiment was laid out in Completely Randomized Block Design (Factorial) with sixteen treatments combinations and three repetitions each. The treatment GA3 500 ppm (G4) had significant influence on different traits like minimum days required for seed germination (9.25) and maximum germination percentage (91.98%) of jamun. Among the different concentration of GA3, treatment GA3 500 ppm (G4) had significant influence on different traits like maximum number of leaves (5.55, 9.00, 10.23, 11.65 and 12.30), stem length of seedling (13.40 cm, 18.15 cm, 22.18 cm, 28.19 cm, and 35.43 cm) and stem girth of seedlings (1.90 mm, 2.09 mm, 2.41 mm, 2.81 mm and 3.31 mm) at 30, 60, 90, 120 and 150 DAS respectively. Treatment GA3 500 ppm (G4) recorded the maximum root length (11.95 cm), seedling height (67.79 cm), fresh weight of shoot (15.76 g), dry weight of shoot (4.56 g), fresh weight of root (5.53 g), dry weight of root (2.55 g), root-shoot fresh weight ratio (0.59), root-shoot dry weight ratio (0.55), leaf area (13.20 cm 2 ) and maximum survival percentage (78.66%) of jamun. The media consisting of M3 i.e., Soil+ Cocopeat+ Vermicompost (1:1:1) had significant influence on different traits like minimum days required to seed germination (13.17 days) and it was at par with the treatment M4 (13.33) and maximum germination percentage (78.41%) of in the specific cultivar of jamun. The media M3 [Soil+ Cocopeat+ Vermicompost (1:1:1)] had significantly positive influence on different traits like number of leaves (5.28, 8.50, 9.44, 10.52 and 11.73), stem length (12.03 cm, 16.79 cm, 20.70 cm, 26.72 cm and 33.73 cm) and maximum stem girth of seedlings (1.78 mm, 2.05 mm, 2.37 mm, 2.76 mm and 3.26) at 30, 60, 90, 120 and 150 DAS respectively of seedling. The M3 [Soil+ Cocopeat+ Vermicompost (1:1:1)] also recorded the maximum root length (30.57 cm), seedling height (64.30 cm), fresh weight of shoot (13.32 g), dry weight of shoot (3.85 g), fresh weight of root (4.47 g), dry weight of root (1.83 g), root-shoot fresh weight ratio (0.64), root-shoot dry weight ratio (0.47), leaf area (13.15 cm 2 ) and maximum survival percentage (75.99%) of jamun seedling. Among the interaction effect of GA3 concentrations and medias, treatment combination of GA3 500 ppm with Soil+ Cocopeat+ Vermicompost (1:1:1) was found to be better with respect to minimum days required to germination (7.67) and the maximum germination percentage which was observed in G4M3 (93.90%). This treatment also recorded the maximum number of leaves (6.33, 9.41, 11.35, 12.58 and 13.58), stem length of (14.39 cm, 19.39 cm, 23.42 cm, 29.47 cm and 36.54 cm) and maximum stem girth of (2.02 mm, 2.26 mm, 2.66 mm, 3.06 mm and 3.56 mm) at 30, 60, 90, 120 and 150 DAS respectively in seedling. Similarly, maximum seedling height (70.09 cm), fresh weight of shoot (16.26 g), dry weight of shoot (5.04 g), fresh weight of root (6.04 g), dry weight of root (3.05 g), root-shoot dry weight ratio (0.60), leaf area (13.59 cm2 ) and maximum survival percentage (84.44%) of jamun cv. Local was recorded in the treatment combination of G4M3. Hence from the research concluded for enhancing seed germination and seedling growth of jamun cv. Local, GA3 (500 ppm) and Soil+ Cocopeat+ Vermicompost (1:1:1) alone or in combination could be advisedEnglishEFFECT OF GA3 AND GROWING MEDIA ON GERMINATION AND SEEDLING GROWTH OF JAMUN (Syzygium cumini L.) cv. LOCAL 2930Thesis