Sahu, Rajesh KumarKhan, M.A.Singh, Vikas(Smt) Shukla, S.Dubey, Chandrakant2016-12-152016-12-152016161 p. study was conducted in Balodabazar-Bhatapara district of Chhattisgarh, during the year 2015-16. Total of 120 vegetable growers were selected as respondents from eight villages of Bhatapara and Simga block. The data were collected personally through pre-tested interview schedule and analyzed by using appropriate statistical methods. The study revealed that majority of 30.83 per cent respondents had primary school education, 73.00 per cent respondents were having joint family and 21.67 per cent of the respondents were having 16 to 20 years of farming experience. Majority of the respondents i.e., 31.67 per cent had marginal size of land holdings, while cent per cent were having irrigation facility and 75.83 per cent had personal tube-well. All the respondents were involved in agriculture, 35.83 per cent respondents received only Medium annual income (Rs. 25001 to Rs. 50000) and 69.17 per cent had not acquired credit. While, 96.67 per cent of them were getting information regarding use of insecticide and application pattern from input dealer and majority had contact with RAEO/ RHEOs, 60.00 per cent had medium level of risk orientation and half of them had medium cosmopoliteness. All of them were procuring insecticides from the input dealers who were making regular availability of the insecticides to almost all the respondents. Majority of the respondents were having nil to partial knowledge of waiting period of insecticides used for control of fruit borer and white fly of tomato, brinjal and chilli. Majority of the respondents 91.67 per cent were mixing more than one insecticides. All the respondents were adopting cultural practices and chemical practices of IPM. While adoption level of mechanical and biological practices of IPM was negligible Correlation analysis revealed that the variables education, farming experience, annual income, and sources of insecticide were positively and significantly correlated at 0.01 level of probability and availability of insecticide was positively and significantly correlated with application pattern of insecticide by vegetable growers at 0.05 level of probability. In the case of adoption of IPM practices education, land holding, annual income, credit acquisition, source of information, contact with extension agents, risk orientation, source of insecticide, availability of insecticide and knowledge of waiting period of insecticide were positively and significantly correlated with adoption of IPM practices at 0.01 level of probability. Multiple regression analysis revealed that two variables farming experience and annual income had positive and significant contribution towards for application pattern of insecticide by respondents at 0.01 level of probability. In the case of adoption of IPM practices, only land holding had positive and significant contribution at 0.01 level of probability and education, farming experience, source of insecticide had positive and significant contribution at 0.05 level of probability. The respondents faced lack of technical knowledge of IPM practices and Non-availability of biopesticides & traps as the major constraints and suggested that extension agencies should conduct regular training for IPM practices and Input should be timely available in market (bio-agents and traps etc).enA STUDY OF INSECTICIDES USE AND APPLICATION PATTERN ON MAJOR VEGETABLE CROPS BY THE FARMERS OF BALODABAZAR - BHATAPARA DISTRICT OF CHHATTISGARHThesis