Gulati, RachnaAnita2016-11-152016-11-152010 studies on mean population of T. putrescentiae, percent weight loss and damage caused to grains qualitatively revealed that none of the grains was completely immune to pest infestation, however their susceptibility varied significantly (p=0.05).Susceptibility of grains/ flakes increased significantly with increase in initial infestation level and duration of infestation. Among the four foods, oat flakes was found significantly more susceptible (CD = 7.87; p = 0.05) as more number of mites (240.73 mites/5g grain) was recorded than on green gram flakes (207.26 mites/5g grain) and whole grains of oats (186 mites/5g grain). Least number of mites (173.26 mites/5g grain) was recorded from whole grains of green gram. The weight loss in oat flakes was 148.49mg/ 5g followed by loss in green gram flakes (121.40 mg/ 5g), oat grains (99.65mg/ 5g) and green gram grains (92.02 mg/ 5g) at pre count of 60 mites. Highly significant positive correlation (r= 0.93 to 0.99) was recorded at 15, 30 and 45 days between T. putrescentiae population and weight loss in oat grains. Qualitative estimation of oat flakes revealed the losses in protein contents (0.4 to 1.22%), total soluble sugars (0.5 to 1.35%), starch (0.24 to 1.38%) and non reducing sugars (3.49 to 9.97%) after 45 days of infestation. However, the reducing sugars exhibited a marked increase from 1.9 g/100 g (control) to 2.72 g/100 g flakes at 45 days of mite exposure when subjected to initial count of 20 mites/ 5g flakes. Aqueous extracts of Ocimum sanctum leaves and Glycyrrhiza glabra stems showed concentration dependent activity against T. putrescentiae in oat flakes. Among the extracts, G. glabra was effective as it provided 71.53 to 94.75 percent relative protection against T. putrescentiae whereas, O. sanctum extract caused 66 to 92 percent reductions in number at different durations.enUnable to Generate Tags studies on combining ability and genetic diversity of parental lines for exploitation of heterosis in rice (oryza sativa l.docxh4Feeding potential of Tyrophagus putrescentiae Schrank (Acari: Acaridae) and its managementThesis