B.P. JainKeshow Kumar Jha2024-07-042024-07-041988https://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810211449Studies on the effect of four levels of nitrogen (60Kg, 80Kg, 100Kg and 120Kg/ha), three levels of phosphorus (50kg, 75kg, and 100 Kg/ha) and two levels of potassium (50 kg and 100Kg/ ha) and two levels of GA3 (20 and 40ppm) and ethrel (200and 300ppm) were made on growth, yield , quality and storage capability of cape gooseberry during 1991-1992 and 1992-1993 in the department of horticulture, Birsa Agriculture university kanke Ranchi. Higher dose of nitrogen (120Kg/ha) phosphorus (100 Kg/ ha) and potassium (100Kg/ ha) had shown promising effect on growth, yield and quality of cape- gooseberry. Jam can be stored upto 365 days at room temperature with very good taste in N3P3K2 treatment. In second experiment crop was grown with the recommended dose of N,P, K i.e 80:80:80 (singh et. al , 1977). Higher dose of GA3 (40ppm) gave 54.25q/ha and ehtrel (300 ppm ) gace 51.05q/ha whereas control gave only 48.50 q/ha. A yield of 74.18 q/ha was attained with the application of NPK @ 120, 100, and 100Kg/ ha in control with maximum cost : benefit ratio of 1:2.13.EnglishEffect of Nitrogen Phosphorus Potassium and PGR on Growth Yield Quality and Processing of Cape -Gooseberry (Physalis Peruviana Linn)Thesis