Sabyasachi MukherjeeISHMEET KUMAR2023-12-052023-12-052022 Fries is a prominent milch breed of India. In order to bring about genetic improvement in indigenous cross breeds of cattle, we must adopt a holistic and balanced approach to selection as well as to breeding strategies. Including linear type traits for dairy cattle selection in our indigenous cross-breed cattle is scanty. Therefore, the present study was taken up with the objective to determine inheritance in cross-breed cattle such as Karan Fries on the basis of linear type traits. Other objectives were to estimate genetic parameters of behavioral, functional, and linear type traits, and their association with production performance in Karan Fries cattle. Using multi-trait selection procedure. Data was collected on adult Karan Fries (N=134), from our Institute herd and was analysed by using both Least Square Maximum Likelihood (LSMLMW) and Bayesian methods, considering either a fixed effect or a mixed animal model for the present study. Parity, season, period of calving, and stage of lactation were taken as non-genetic factors, and age at first calving as coverable Sire or animal was considered a random variable. The leastsquares means of objective linear type traits viz., Stature was 131.43±0.96 cm, Body length 145.20±1.13 cm, Chest girth 181.97±1.25 cm, Body depth 209.98±1.90 cm, Rump angle 12.89±0.47 cm, Rump width 19.75±0.27 cm, Udder depth 25.61±0.54 cm, teat length 5.20±0.17 cm, and Rear udder height 22.27±0.49 cm. On the other hand, least square mean scores of subjective linear type traits. Angularity 38.89±0.55-degree, (1-9 scale) viz. The rear leg side view was 6.73±0.19, Rear leg rear view was 5.82±0.23 score, Foot angle 6.65±0.24, Fore udder attachment 6.17±0.3, Central ligament 5.16±0.29, Front teat placement 3.95±0.27, and Rear teat placement was 5.35±0.25. It was observed that Parity has a significant (p˂0.05/ p< 0.01) effect on Stature, Chest girth, Body length as well as Rear udder height, while Season of calving had a significant (p˂0.05) effect on Rump angle and Rear udder height. For Stage of Lactation Rear udder height, Angularity and Front teat placement come out to be Significant at (p˂0.01) in Karan Fries cattle. Most of the linear type traits, milking temperament, and milking speed were found to be low to moderately heritable (ranging from 0.40±0.03 to 0.25±0 04, while days open was having low heritability (0.20±0.25) Among linear type traits, stature, body length, and chest girth were having high positive genetic correlation (ranging from 0.74±0.03 to (0.63±0.017) with total milk yield. Rear leg rear view, Central ligament was having a negative phenotypic correlation with total milk yield (-0.018± 0.081 and -0.050±0.099) respectively. Twelve Karan Fries sires from the present data set were selected for evaluation and ranking. Sires with three or more progenies were considered for estimation of breeding values in the present study. Sires were ranked based on estimates of breeding value on the basis of multiple traits (stature, body length, chest girth, body depth, Angularity first lactation 305 days milk yield, and total milk yield) Association of ranking of sites based on multiple traits were estimated by Spearman's Rank Correlation. Correlation between rankings of sizes was checked, for multiple traits viz., stature, body length, chest girth, body depth, Angularity, first lactation 305 day’s milk yield, and total milk yield and significance was tested using a 1-test. Top-ranked sires were recommended for further breeding. Our study showed that Karan Fries cows may be selected on the basis of a few important linear type traits (stature, body length, chest girth, body depth, and angularity) having a positive genetic correlation with production performance. The present study may be continued to include a larger data set for validation and better accuracy of results for the selection of Karen Fries cattle.EnglishINHERITANCE OF LINEAR TYPE TRAITS AND THEIR ASSOCIATION WITH BEHAVIOURAL AND PERFORMANCE TRAITS IN CROSSBRED CATTLEThesis