Dr. Akarsh PariharPatel Rohinikumari Mitthalbhai2022-05-062022-05-062020https://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810184346The present investigation entitled “Nutraceutical and Molecular Characterization in Cowpea” was carried out at the Department of Agricultural Biotechnology, Anand Agricultural University, Anand, Gujarat, during kharif season 2019-20. The study was undertaken with the objective to evaluate nutraceutical traits in 42 different genotypes of cowpea including 19 lines of Vigna unguiculata and 23 of Vigna unguiculata sub sp. sesquipedalis (Yard long bean) as well as to characterize the various genotypes of cowpea with molecular markers. Analysis of the various nutraceutical parameters like moisture, total carbohydrates, Total Soluble Solids (brix), phytate, ascorbic acid, phenol, fiber and crude protein was done.EnglishNUTRACEUTICAL AND MOLECULAR CHARACTERIZATION IN COWPEAThesis