THAMMI RAJU, D(MAJOR)SUDHAKAR RAO, BMAHENDER, MBABU BERI, BERI2018-10-092018-10-092008-06 An ex-post facto research design was followed in the present research study. The sample was drawn randomly from 12 villages of 9 mandals of Warangal district @ one Women Self Help Group per village. All the members of selected WSHGs i.e. 129 members in total were the respondents and are involved in dairy farming and assisted under special SGSY programme. The data were collected through personal interview by the investigator for which a schedule was developed. The data was collected on two dependent variables i.e. information needs and livelihood status and 14 independent variables viz. age, education, caste, family size, occupation, land holding, time spent on dairy farming, farming experience, herd size, knowledge, training, social/political participation, management orientation and decision making to achieve the set objectives of the study. The characterization of women self help groups and their members revealed that majority of the respondents (58.91%) were in the middle age group of 36 to 50 years and the average age of the women members was 37.05 years. About 43.41% of members of WSHGs were illiterates and 58.17% of members belonged to Backward Castes. Most members of the women self-help groups had the family size up to 5 members (90.70%) and the main occupation was agricultural labour (56.59%). Landless members (36.76%) formed a majority of self-help groups and 87.60% of the respondents were members of at least one organization. It was found that majority of the respondents (75.19%) had medium level of experience ranging from 5 to 15 years with an average of 9.78 years of experience. Further, all the members (100%) owned 1 to 3 non descript buffaloes and 86.82 % of the members had 1 to 3 graded buffaloes, while 4.7% had sheep with less than 20 numbers. The data revealed that majority (47.29%) of the members had medium knowledge on dairy farming, management orientation (63.57%) and decision making (72.09%). All the respondents undergone at least one training of two days duration focussing on both knowledge and skills provided by District Rural Development Agency (DRDA) and the State Department of Animal Husbandry (AHD). The time spent by women members in different types of activities of dairy farming indicated that grazing was the most time consuming activity with 156.6 minutes. The average time spent by women on all diary activities was 367.21 mts. The greatly expressed information needs of members of WSHGs include Production potential of dairy animals (50.38%) under dairy animal category. Under feeding, the information needs such as Fundamentals of dairy nutrition and nutrients (72.09%), Kind of feed to be used for particular dairy animal (68.22%), Amount of feed to be fed (58.14%), Feed storage (75.97%), Feeding strategies in natural calamities (66.67%) and Fodder varieties and package of practices (60.47%) were expressed by members of WSHGs. The breeding information needs were Time of insemination (79.07%), Drying of animals (64.34%), Calving interval (62.79%), Service period (62.02%), Breeding problems (59.68%) and Importance of artificial insemination (58.13%) . Care and management of calves (73.64%) Care and management of pregnant animals (71.32%) were the important greatly needed information needs for the members of Women Self Help Groups which falls under management category. The information on Vaccination schedule (78.29%), Commonly occurring dairy animal diseases (76.74%), Disease management (72.09%) and Deworming schedule(65.12%) were expressed as greatly needed by majority of the respondents. Apart from the above the information on Preservation of milk (68.99%), Different marketing agencies (62.02%), Backward linkages (60.47%), Forward linkages (56.59%) and Credit/financial organization (51.94%) was greatly needed under marketing. Majority of the respondents felt that the information on agriculture (93.02%), sheep farming (63.57%), backyard poultry (74.42%) and others (66.67%) was least needed. The livelihood status in terms of literacy, access to education facilities, land holding, type of home, food sufficiency, quality food, health status and employment & income generation indicated that majority of the members (54.26%) had improvement in literacy and access to education and other required facilities improved (56.59%) after formation of WSHGs, except change in the landholding (93.02%), type of home (93.02%) and diversification in IGAs (100.00%). Overwhelming majority (89.15%) had food sufficiency and quality food was possessed by 88.37% of respondents. About 85% of respondents had improved health status. The employment and income generation from dairying indicated that all the members interviewed had only dairy farming as income generating activity and 78.29% of the respondents gained moderate number of man days per month (19 to 21 man days/month). The monthly income was medium in case of 84.50% respondents with average of Rs 1331.78 among members of Women Self Help Groups. The constraints as perceived by members of WSHGs were Green fodder scarcity (31.00%), Decline in milk production during winter and summer season (27.13%), Care and management of calves is difficult (23.25%), Conception rate is low (21.71%), Less price for milk (20.16%), Lack of knowledge and skills (15.50%) etc. The members also expressed certain suggestions which include Regular check-up by Veterinary Assistant Surgeon (25.58%), Hospital should be established (22.48%), More loan facility to be provided (20.16%), Shed cost is to be included in the scheme formulation (13.95 %), Training is required before the animal purchase (11.62%) etc. The correlation analysis indicated that occupation, land holding, and management orientation were positively and significantly with information needs at 1% level of significance and knowledge and social/political participation were negatively and significantly correlated with information needs at 1% and 5% level of significance, respectively. The independent variables viz. occupation, land holding, time spent on dairy farming were significantly and positively correlated with the livelihood status at 5% level of significance. Farming experience, knowledge and management orientation were positively and significantly correlated at 1% level of significance. The inter correlation between information needs and livelihood status was significant at 5% level.ennullINFORMATION NEEDS OF WOMEN SELF HELP GROUPS (WSHGS) INVOLVED IN DAIRY FARMING FOR CAPACITY BUILDINGThesis