PAWAR, ASHUTOSH PRAKASH2023-12-282023-12-282020-09-25PAWAR, ASHUTOSH PRAKASH. (2020). Mutation studies in garlic (Allium sativum L.). Department of Horticulture, Dr. Panjabrao Deshmukh Krishi Vidyapeeth, Akola. Ph. D. Horticulture (Veg. Sc). Ph. D. 2020 Print. xx, 174p. field research trial entitled “Mutation Studies in Garlic (Allium sativum L.)”, was carried out during Rabi season in the year 2017-2018 (VM1 generation) and 2018-19 (VM2 generation) at Main garden, Department of Horticulture, Dr. Panjabrao Deshmukh Krishi Vidyapeeth, Akola. (M.S.). The experiment was laid out in randomized block design with three replications in VM1 generation. Whereas, for VM2 generation the experiment was laid out in progeny rows/ line planting with fourteen treatments. The local cultivar Buldhana local was selected for treating with different doses of gamma rays (2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 Gy), which was treated at Bhaba Atomic Research Centre (BARC), Trombay, Mumbai. Whereas, cloves were treated with different chemical mutagens viz., EMS (0.45%, 0.55%, 0.65%, 0.75% and 0.85 %) and colchicine (0.08%, 0.10 % and 0.12%) by dipping in solution for 12 hours. After 12 hours of dipping, these cloves were kept under running tap water for 1 hour to remove adjuvant to the cloves. Thereafter, these were planted in the experimental field at spacing of 15 X 10 cm. The experiment was undertaken to study the effect of mutagens, to induce the variability and to identify different variants by using different doses of gamma rays and chemical mutagens. During the course of investigation, the outcomes revealed that the treatment given to garlic cloves cv. ‘Buldhana local’ with gamma rays, EMS and colchicine in VM1 and VM2 generation significantly increased days to sprouting over the control treatment, whereas sprouting per cent had significantly decreased as the rate concentration of mutagen increased due to different mutagen treatments over the control treatment in both the generations in garlic. The survival percentage of cloves decreased significantly and the mortality percentage increased significantly as the rate of concentration of various mutagens increased over the control. Based on fifty percent final survival of plant population in VM1 generation it was concluded that the LD50 for gamma rays treatment was recorded in treatment 5 Gy, while LD50 for EMS was recorded in treatment 0.65 % EMS and LD50 for colchicine was recorded in treatment 0.10 % Colchicine. The growth parameters like plant height (cm) and number of leaves had a incite effect on treated population by different doses of mutation over control treatment all the way through the growth stages. As the concentration of doses increased there was decrease in plant height and number of leaves per plant during both the generations of mutation studies. Stem girth and leaf area also had stimulatory effect over both the generations, whereas treatment 0.45% EMS and treatment 0.12% colchicine had showed maximum stem girth and leaf area then the control treatment T14. Days to maturity of bulb, number of cloves per bulb, length of clove, and width of clove had shown positive effect of mutagens over the control treatment during both the generations in garlic. Whereas bulb weight, bulb diameter, weight of clove, yield per plot and yield per hectare showed negative impact in both the generation as compared to control treatment T14. This decreased yield was further observed in yield per plot and yield per hectare significantly in all the gamma rays, EMS and colchicine treatments. The quality parameters were positively affected by different mutagen treatments over the control treatment T14. The gamma rays, EMS and colchicine had significantly increased the TSS (0B) and oleoresin (%) over the control treatment T14. The leaf abnormality and bulb abnormality increased significantly due to different mutagen treatments over the control T14. The mutation frequency was significantly increased in the gamma rays, EMS and colchicine treatments. Mutation frequency and spectrum was observed wider in VM1 generation than the VM2 generation. The desirable variants were observed in treatment 4 Gy, 6 Gy, 0.45 % EMS, 0.65 % EMS, 0.75 % EMS, 0.08 % colchicine and 0.10 % colchicine, which had induced some stable mutants of viz. big neck size, dark purple colour bulb mutants, thick leaflets, big sized bulbs along with chlorophyll and dwarf mutants.EnglishMUTATION STUDIES IN GARLIC (Allium sativum L.).Thesis