Puniya, Ram KumarSharma, Mamta2018-07-182018-07-181998http://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810060675Today women's upliftment through empowerment has become a policy matter in most of the developing countries of Asia . India has taken a significant step in this direction by enacting 73rd Amendment to the constitution. With the enactment of 73rd constitutional amendment m April, 1993, one third seats in PRI's has been declared as reserved for women. This entry of women in panchayats certainly would affect the expectations of the rural men voters; who for years saw them out side the power structure of the village. Therefore, the present study has been initiated to assess the knowledge of rural male voters about Gram Panchayats, nature of expectations and factors affecting those expectations.enRural SociologyExpectations of Male Voters From Female Panchayat Members About Their Role in Panchayats In Hisar District of HaryanaThesis