Ahuja, AbhaSaxena, Ruchi2019-11-222019-11-222005-06http://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810136009It has been proved beyond that the goal of population stabilization may not be attained by simple promoting the use of family planning measures. While such a campaign has its own merits, it is essential to create certain favourable conditions by treating population as an aspect of development and no as an obstacle to development. There is a need to make people appreciate sustainable development as the best pragmatic option. Gender equality and equity, family planning information and improvement in reproductive and nutritional health of mother and child are the key contributors to population stabilization. The preset investigation was taken up with the objective of educating youth Self Help groups on family life education issues in the village named Chitranjanpur-2 of Gadarpur block of District Udham Singh Nagar. The qualitative research has been done, taking total sample of 50 female respondents (25 married and 25 unmarried). To assess the pre and post knowledge and opinion regarding family life issues, interview schedule was used. After experimentation through education sessions, it was found that the there were gains and changes in opinion of both the unmarried and married respondents regarding family life issues.ennullEducating youth SHGS on family life education issues: an experimental development in district Udham Singh NagarThesis