SIDDAYYATUNGETI MYTHILI2023-02-282023-02-282023-02-03 present study was conducted in the Chittoor district of Andhra Pradesh. The study aimed at analyzing growth in groundnut area, production, and productivity; mapping the value chain of groundnut and its products; analyzing the consumer preference towards value-added products of groundnut, and examining the constraints in value chain of groundnut. The primary data was collected from 30 farmers, 60 consumers, five traders, five processors, and five retailers. The CAGR of groundnut area in India is -1.5 per cent, while production and productivity were 2.4 and 3.9 per cent, respectively. Area and production in Andhra Pradesh are -9.6 and -5.1 per cent respectively, with productivity at 5.6 per cent, while area, production of groundnut and productivity of groundnut in Chittoor district was -2.5, -0.4, and -5.8 per cent, respectively. The degree of value addition from groundnut kernel to oil was highest for processors (11.23%). Consumer Preferences for groundnut kernel was influenced by kernel size (50%). Price was the most preferred attribute of groundnut oil by consumers (38.33%). Constraints in the value chain of groundnut included inadequate and non-timely credit for the farmers with Garrett’s mean score of 65.26 for processors, non-availability of quality raw material with Garrett’s mean score of 81.80. As a result, the government should promote drought-resistant varieties to farmers and train processors on groundnut value addition.EnglishVALUE CHAIN ANALYSIS OF GROUNDNUT IN CHITTOOR DISTRICT OF ANDHRA PRADESHThesis