Prof. H. Y. MahetaPanara Namrata R.2017-10-262017-10-262016-10 study on “Cost of cultivation and disposal pattern of Sawaj Beej’’ was undertaken to assess cost of production and to know disposal pattern of Sawaj Beej. Simple random sampling technique was adopted for selection of sample. 100 farmers were selected randomly among all users of Mega Seed. Cost of production was accessed by using cost of cultivation. Farmer’s perception was analyzed using three point scale i.e. satisfied, neutral and not satisfied. Simple growth rate method was used to analyze growth rate of various seeds. Graphical presentation was used for showing the total sales of Mega Seed. Five crops were selected to calculate cost of production. Among them, cumin had highest processing cost and wheat had lowest. The growth rate of total seed production from year 2004-05 to 2014-15 was observed to be fluctuating and sometimes it is found to be negative. The reason might be due to unfavorable climatic condition. The majority of farmers were satisfied with the productivity, purity, quality and staff response. While near about 50 per cent farmers were not satisfied with availability and price of seeds. The disposal pattern showed that the seeds were sold in 23 different districts of Gujarat state since 2008-09. Maximum sale of seeds were observed in Junagadh, Jamnagar and Rajkot districts.en“COST OF PRODUCTION AND DISPOSAL PATTERN OF SAWAJ BEEJ” 2302Thesis