VERMA, M.L.GILL, NAVJOT SINGH2017-04-012017-04-012016 The present investigation entitled “Effect of levels of N, P and K on the yield and quality of cherry tomato (Solanum lycopersicum var. cerasiforme)” was conducted at the research farm of the department of soil science and water management, Nauni, Solan during two kharif seasons of 2014 and 2015 with six treatments comprissing of T1 – without NPK fertilizers – (Control), T2 – 25% recommended dose of NPK, T3 – 50% recommended dose of NPK, T4 – 75% recommended dose of NPK, T5 – 100% recommended dose of NPK and T6 – 125% recommended dose of NPK with four replications in a randomized block design. The study was conducted to investigate the effect of different levels of N, P and K on the yield and quality of cherry tomato, vis-à-vis, and the benefit cost ratio of different treatments. The maximum nutrient contents in the fruit, shoot and root were found in the treatment comprising of 125 % RDF (T6) followed by 100% RDF (T5) and minimum levels were found in the treatment without fertilizer (T1 ) control. The quality parameters of cherry tomato have been found to significantly vary with the extent of fertilizer doses applied. The maximum fruit size (3.36 cm2), fruit weight (9.29 g) and TSS (8.69 °Brix) was found in T6 comprising of 125 % RDF followed by T5 (100% RDF) where as the minimum values for these parameters were found in (T1) control where no fertilizer was applied. The fruit yield of 1.45 kg per plant (439.56 q ha-1) was also found under T6. The BC ratio of 8.09 was found highest for T6 (125 % RDF) and followed by 7.91 for T5.enEFFECT OF LEVELS OF N, P AND K ON THE YIELD AND QUALITY OF CHERRY TOMATO (Solanum lycopersicum var. cerasiforme)Thesis