Dharani, PUsha Kumary, STANUVASVenkatesan, SCecilia Joseph2019-07-062019-07-062016http://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810113153TNV_TH_2016_MVM14034Gross and microanatomical studies of the testis in guinea fowl was conducted in different age groups viz., five, eight, twelve, fifteen and eighteen months. Six birds from each group were utilized for the research work. The gross anatomical parameters like testicular Weight, length, width, thickness, circumference, volume were measured. Apart from these parameters, the gonadosomatic index Was calculated. Among the age groups, aforesaid parameters were found to be minimum in five month-old guinea fowl and maximum in twelve month-old guinea fowl. The tissue samples were collected and fixed in different fixatives for tissue processing. Cryosections of fresh unfixed tissues were utilized for the histochemical studies. Gross and microanatomical studies of the testis in guinea fowl was conducted in different age groups viz., five, eight, twelve, fifteen and eighteen months. Six birds from each group were utilized for the research work. The gross anatomical parameters like testicular Weight, length, width, thickness, circumference, volume were measured. Apart from these parameters, the gonadosomatic index Was calculated. Among the age groups, aforesaid parameters were found to be minimum in five month-old guinea fowl and maximum in twelve month-old guinea fowl. The tissue samples were collected and fixed in different fixatives for tissue processing. Cryosections of fresh unfixed tissues were utilized for the histochemical studies.enVeterinary ScienceGROSS AND MICROANATOMICAL STUDIES OF THE TESTIS IN GUINEA FOWL (Numida Meleagris)Thesis