Mr. YOGESH LADMEGHA R MAKWANA2017-11-152017-11-152014 food processing industry is of enormous significance for India's development, as it has efficiently and effectively linked the nation’s economy, industry and agriculture. The linking of these three pillars has synergized the development process and promoted the growth of the nation to a great extent. The study entitled “Market Potential of Dehydrated Vegetable Powder in Organized & Unorganized Sector in Selected Districts of Gujarat” was taken up with the basic objectives of studying the current market position of Penta Pure Foods in the selected district of Gujarat. The study has helped to know the competitors analysis as well as factor which were important for selection of dehydrated vegetable powder along with the new product requirement by the consumers so that Penta Pure Foods can expand their market in near future based on providing consumer based productenAgriculturaal Business ManagementStudyMARKET POTENTIAL OF DEHYDRATED VEGETABLE POWDER IN ORGANIZED & UNORGANIZED SECTOR IN SELECTED DISTRICTS OF GUJARATThesis