Koshy AbrahamJames MathewKAU2019-04-042019-04-041982Agricultural Research Journal of Kerala, 20(2), 37-40.http://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810100461In the in vitro screening of antibiotics, chloramphenicol, Terramycin, Streptomycin, Streptocycline and Agrimycin-100 have showed inhibitory effect to X. campestris pv. betf/cota. Among these, chloramphenicol at 500 ppm exerted maximum inhibitory effect. None of the antibiotics tested in in vivo gave absolute control of the disease. But minimum percentage index of disease status and maximum percentage survival of diseased leaves were observed in plants receiving Terramycin 500 ppm spray.ennullControl of bacterial leaf spot of betel vineArticle