Dr. B. N. NAGARAJASUNIL C L2022-09-022022-09-022019-09https://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810186960Study on application of zap strap method of treatment around the tumour mass was carried out in 6 dogs presented to the Veterinary College Hospital, Bangalore. Selection of the patients was based on Histopathological confirmation of malignant tumour of skin and subcutaneous tissue. With local infiltration of lignocaine 2%, zap strap was applied in all the cases around tumour mass. Gross changes like blackish discoloration of tumour mass were noticed before slough off. In all cases tumour mass sloughed off by mean of 4EnglishSTUDIES ON EFFICACY OF ZAP STRAP METHOD OF TREATMENT FOR MALIGNANT TUMOURS OF SKIN AND SUBCUTANEOUS TISSUE IN DOGSThesis