HANUMANTAPPA, D. CDHANUSH, G. M.2023-01-162023-01-162022-12-12https://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810192433ThesisA field study entitled “Performance of fodders under teak based agroforestry system” was carried out at Agroforestry unit, ZARS, GKVK, Bengaluru during 2021-22. There were fifteen treatment combinations having three planting densities of teak (12 m X 3 m, 10 m X 3 m and 8 m X 3 m) in main strips, five fodder crops (CO-3, CO-5, BNH-10, Super napier and Guinea grass) as intercrops in sub plots and five sole fodders planted adjacent to the main experiment by following split plot design and replicated three times. The result showed that, teak planted at 12 m X 3 m spacing recorded significantly higher teak height (9.76 m), girth (56.43 cm), canopy spread (6.07 m at N-S and 5.07 m E-W direction), wood volume (41.20 m3 ha-1), above ground biomass (22.66 t ha-1), below ground biomass (5.89 t ha-1), total biomass (28.55 t ha-1), carbon content (13.42 t ha-1) and carbon dioxide content (49.25 t ha-1) at 11 years of planting. Sole CO-5 recorded higher biomass (86.53 t ha-1). Among interactions, intercrop of fodder CO-5 recorded significantly higher fodder biomass (73.01 t ha-1). CO-5 intercropped under 12 m X 3 m recorded higher gross returns (Rs. 1,87,922 ha-1), net returns (Rs. 1,30,660 ha-1) and B:C ratio (3.3). After harvest higher OC (0.56%), available nitrogen (251.47 t ha-1), available phosphorous (19.44 t ha-1) and availableEnglishPERFORMANCE OF FODDERS UNDER TEAK BASED AGROFORESTRY SYSTEMThesis