Dr. K. L. RaghvaniR. L. Kalasariya2019-05-272019-05-272014-11http://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810104831Investigations on Management of major insect pests of mustard were carried out at College Farm, College of Agriculture, Junagadh Agricultural University, (Gujarat) during Rabi season of the year 2012-13 and 2013-14. Studies on population dynamics of major insect pests of mustard revealed that incidence of aphid commenced in 3"^^ week of December during 2012-13 and 2013-14. Its population increased, thereafter, gradually and reached to its peaks with 4.92 and 4.26 aphid index in 3'^ and 5^^ week of February during 2012-13 and 2013-14, respectively. Correlation of aphid population with minimum temperature (r = -0.611 ) and evening relative humidity (r = -0.518*) were found significantly negative dunng 2012-13, while significant positive correlation (r = 0.502 ) was noticed with minimum temperature during 2013-14. The incidence of sawfly started in 3'^'' week of December and attained a peak i.e. 3.72 and 3.59 larvae/plant during and 2"'' week of January during 2012-13 and 2013- 14, respectively. The sawfly exhibited highly significant negative correlation with maximum (r = -0.637** and -0.702**), minimum (r = -0.623 and -0.625 ) and mean temperature (r = -0.712** and -0.692**) during 2012-13 & 2013-14, respectively. While, significant positive correlation (r = 0.506*) was observed with bright sunshine hours during 2013-14. The incidence of leaf webber was noticed in d'" week of December and attained a peak activity of 6.89 and 7.88 larvae/plant during the 4' week of February during both years. Leaf webber exhibited significant negative correlation with minimum temperature (r = -0.503*), evening (r = -0.596 ) and mean relative h^idity (r = -0 502*) while significant positive correlation (r - 0.545 ) was found with bright sunshine hours during 2012-13. A significant positive co^elafion was also found with minimum temperature (r = 0.498*) and evening relative humidity (r - 0.509 ) during 2013-14. The incidence of painted bug started in 3'" week of December in both years and attained first peak during the P' week of January i.e. 6.75 bugs/plant. Whereas, second peak i e 7.05 bugs/plant was noticed during the 3 week of Januaiy during 2012-13. Incase of 2013-14, the population of painted bug attained a firct t • 6.95 bugs/plant during 2"' week of Januao- and second pel Te 5 9^ hrf,"' dunng 3' week of Februaiy. Painted bug exhibited highly significant neuat assoemtton wtth maximun. (r = -0.755- and -0.790"). minit^^umTr = T743- -0.726 ), mean temperature (r = -0.847 and -0 789**1 wherenc cjI,-#- correlation (r = -0.498- and -0.497-) was obsen-ed with evaporati™ ^th ' (-1.590?:„d';Sti:et"ve;" anr^"^ respectively. Whereas, negatively high (-1.4828 and -1 2178^ temperature, (1.2479) direct effect were noticed by minimum temperature wind high temperature, respectively, on mustard sawflv nnnniaf,-rx„ -r,. ' and mean Lcinperature wmH o j —® temperature, respectively, on mustard sawfly population Tht^'^JT mean (-2.0215) exerted negatively very high direct effect while mean ^^i^hve humidity and moming relative humidity (1.2839) exhibited negative aL ("1.1341) iefnffelcute nocne pio.pe.u l6a.ti6o3n7 9b,u i5l.d5-1u1p1 o,f 3 l.e0a0f 9W4e babnedr ,2 r.e2s9pe6c4t iwveelrve Pnoh.fv Ppj^'h^® h^i'gghh ddiirreecctt temperature, minimum temperature, moming and evenin^"^^ , maximum respectively, while, mean temperature (-10.893) and mean r^laf humidity wweerree eexxhhiibbiitteedd nneeggaattiivvee aanndd vveerryy hhiigghh ddiirreecctt effect whlmf^!^^ ^^midity ((-"55..117722Q9^) dS^^olflO.'"' Of PaiSb":^™ beetle wPa's™ n"ogt2ic0e1d3 p"o1s4it,i dvierleyc vte erfyf ehcitg ho f(2 m.e0a9n63 t)e amnpde rhaitguhr et la nd nn i • ladybird minimum temperature exhibited negatively very high direct cff,- !' J®^P®®hvely while population. The minimum temperature and mean S f ^ negative (-1.1270) and positive (1.3670) high direct influence onTo f ^'^erted mus ard sawfly respectively. The direct influence of m^^ positively very high (2.2219) while, mean temperature a^^ u ""P'^^hire shoL J exerted negatively very high (-2.0822) and high (-1 35on T sunshine hour of leaf Webber. The mean temperature and mLn briif''''' po^ moderately negative (-0.8748) and positive (0.6957) dire« eS oxhibltS up of painted bug in mustard. ettect on population build Among the different insecticidal schedules tested for tt, • eornplex of mustard showed that schedule 4 (flonicamid 0 02 Z "gainst pest 0.014 per cent, azadirachtin 0.15 per cent and aceohafe + r SubendarTiH found most effective against mustard aphid and painted"h ° per cemf (thiamethoxam 0.006 per cent, emamectin benzoate 0.0025 per® ***''"• ^^hedule 3 kgflia, chlorpynphos + alphamethrin 0.055 per cen^ I fUevi I sawfly and leaf Webber of mustard. found superior against 6116.17.22 4p piern ceenrt ryt^eltd rtnrerieSaste o^vlerf cponrtreo^l rwhpil^e^ utnp'r:o'te'e?t edX''r' was es"fhowS kg/ha wTihthe e1c6o0n.4o mpiecrs coefnditf ifnecrreenats ien s(eocvteirci dcaoln tsrcohle dautl e'r grain viain kgd,, return ?/ha 29674 and ICBR 1:6.27 was obti^h^ed f°°® ne^ yield obtained from schedule 3 i.e. 1218 kgdia S schedule 4 ^/ha 26566 as well as ICBR 1:6.28 was foutd^^i ~ and I''enEntomologyMANAGEMENT OF MAJOR INSECT PESTS OF MUSTARD 1949Thesis