D. MANIKANDAVELUN. NEETHISELVAN2017-05-262017-05-261990http://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810012621By increasing the growing space at periodic intervals growth and reproductive potential of the common aquarium fish guppy has been monitored over a period of 84 days. When the animals have been transferred from one module with less living space to another with larger space, there is a substantial increment both in size and reproductive capacity. By having such a modular system of fish production, we can have a continuous harvest instead of constantly growing them in a larger space to get Iarger and more number of animals. The sex ratio of males to females in this system appears to be around 2 : 5.ennullGROWTH AND REPRODUCTIVE POTENTIAL OF GUPPY POECILIA RETICULATA (PETERS) IN MODULAR SYSTEM OF FISH PRODUCTIONReprint