Er. Harsh P. SharmaHIRAL B. PATEL2017-03-102017-03-102013 present investigation entitled “Production Technology of Wood Apple (Feronia limonia) Juice” was conducted with a broad aim of developing and standardizing the technology for production of wood apple juice. The processes were selected in such a way to use them in both at cottage level as well as in the scaled-up version for commercial production of wood apple juice. Initially, wood apple pulp was analysed for its physico-chemical properties. The wood apple pulp was given pre-treatments of 1) steaming at different time intervals (2, 4, 6 and 8 min) 2) pectinase enzyme treatment (incubation temperature: 35, 40, 45 °C; enzyme concentration: 10, 20, 30 mg/100 g; incubation time: 2, 4, 6 hrs) and 3) combined treatment (steaming and enzyme) at standardized conditions. The pre-treatments were standardized based on juice yield and TSS content in the juice. Once the pre-treatment was standardized, the wood apple pulp was then added with water in predefined ratio (2.5:1) and passed through various juice extraction machines such as basket centrifuge, fruit pulper, screw type juice extractor and hydraulic press.enFood Processing Technology, Bio EnergytechnologyPRODUCTION TECHNOLOGY OF WOOD APPLE (FERONIA LIMONIA) JUICEThesis