J.S. SonnadShreedevi B. Chadachai2016-11-142016-11-142012http://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/85498Orchids are most fascinating and beautiful of all flowers and have emerged as an important constituent in the global cut flower trade. Uttar Kannada district is purposively selected as it is one of the major orchid growing region. In all about 50 orchids growing famrers were identified for eliciting detailed information with regard to production and marketing aspects of the crop. The study conducted was exclusively based on primary data. For analysis of data tabular presentation method and financial analysis were adopted. Most of the farmers grown Sonia varieties as those varieties are having high market demand, high yield and high shelf-life. The total cost of establishment per gunta was ` 2,32,920. The investment appraisal analysis revealed that the Pay Back period (PBP) was found to be 3.45 years. The Net Present Value (NPV) of the investment for the orchid enterprise was found to be ` 3,05,931 per gunta at 9 per cent discount rate. The discounted Benefit Cost Ratios (BCR) was found to be 2.31 and the Internal Rate of Return (IRR) was found to be 32.02 per cent. The producer’s share in consumer’s rupee was found to be very less, as the farmers were incurring high cost of production and marketing. The producer’s share could be increased through efficient methods of cultivation, provision of input incentives and encouraging orchid growers association at village/taluk level and creating exclusive market for such high value products. Lack of credit facility and high cost of planting material were the major problems in production of orchids. Similarly in marketing lack of market information and lack of grading and standardization were the major problems.Production and Marketing Management of Orchids in Uttar Kannada DistrictThesis