Chouhan, A.S.Patidar, Rahul2017-02-222017-02-222016 INTRODUCTION Cotton (Gossypium spp.) is one of the most important and commercial fiber crop. Cotton, often referred to as the White Gold, is an important cash crop of India and it plays a key role in the Indian economy since it provides livelihood to more than 60 million people by way of support in agriculture, processing and use of cotton in textiles. India has largest area under the cotton in world but occupies third position in production with 37.50 million bales, which cover the 11.50 million hectare of land (Cotton Advisory Board, 2013-14). In India, cotton growing states are Gujrat, Maharastra, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Tamilnadu, Punjab, Rajasthan, Western Uttar Pradesh and Madhya Pradesh. In Madhya Pradesh, cotton occupies 0.62 million hectare area, with total production of 1.83 million bales and 520 kg/hectare productivity (Cotton Advisory Board, 2013-14). In Khargone district, the cotton is grown over an area of 0.20 million hectare with total production of 0.97 million bales an average productivity of 818 kg/hectare. Thus, keeping in view the above point of references, the research problem entitled, “A study on technological gap in cultivation of cotton crop in Kasarawad block of Khargone District, Madhya Pradesh” was undertaken with the following objectives:- 1. To know the profile of cotton growers. 2. To determine the technological gap in different practices of cotton cultivation followed by cotton grower. 3. To find out the association between profile of cotton growers with technological gap. 4. To find out the constraints perceived by cotton growers in adoption of recommended cotton production technology and suggestion to overcome them. METHODOLOGY In order to achieve these objectives, the study area was conducted in Khargone district on the basis of maximum area of cotton crop than the other district of M.P. A descriptive research design was used in the investigation. Khargone district consists of 9 blocks namely Khargone, Gongava, Sengava, Bhagvanpura, Bhikangaon, Barwaha, Maheshwar, Jhiranya and Kasrawad. Out of which Kasrawad block of Khargone district was selected. Kasrawad block comprises of 120 villages, A list of cotton growing villages was prepared, out of which 10 villages were selected on the basis of maximum area covered under cotton crop. A list of farmers from each selected village growing cotton was prepared, out of which 12 farmers from each village were selected. Thus, total 120 farmers (12 farmers from each of 10 villages) were considered as sample size of the study. Variables and their measurement (i) Independent variabls Age, education, social participation, size of family, size of land holding, annual income, economic motivation, risk preference, knowledge level, mass media exposure, extension participation, scientific orientation and adoption level. (ii) Dependent variable Adoption behaviour in terms of technological gap of cotton production technology. The data were collected through a pre-tested interview schedule. The collected data were analyzed through the statistical methods viz. frequency, percentage, mean and Chi-square test etc. I. Socio - personal – economic, psychological and communicational attributes of Cotton growers. 1. Higher percentage of cotton growers (46.67%) belonged to middle age group (36 to 50 years). 2. Higher percentage of them (30.00 %) was educated up to primary education. 3. Higher percentage of them had low social participation (55.00%). 4. majority of respondents (48.33%) belonged to small type of family 5. Majority of them (55.00%) had medium size (2.001 to 4 ha.) of land holding. 6. Majority of cotton growers (47.50%) had medium (Rs1,00,001 to 2,00,000/-) annual income. 7. The majority of cotton growers (52.50%) had medium economic motivation. 8. The majority of cotton growers (54.16%) had medium risk preference. 9. Higher percentage (51.67%) of growers had medium knowledge of cotton production practices. 10. Majority of cotton growers (53.33%) had low mass media exposure. 11. Majority cotton growers (49.16%) showed low extension participation in the extension activities. 12. Higher percentage of growers had medium scientific orientation (67.50%). 13. Higher percentage of growers had medium adoption level (55.83%). II. Technological gap of cotton production technology: 1. The majority of cotton growers (61.67%) showed medium to high technological gap of cotton cultivation practices. 2. The maximum mean technological gap was found in plant protection management (62.35%). 3. The minimum mean technological gap was found in picking management of cotton (25.47%). III. Association between independent variables with dependent variable. Education, land holding, annual income, economic motivation, mass media exposure, scientific orientation, knowledge of practices and adoption level had significant association with technological gap, while age, size of family, risk preference, social participation, and extension participation were found to have non-significant association with technological gap. IV. A. Constraints and suggestions reported by cotton growers: The major constraints reported by the cotton growers were improper supply of electricity , Lack of the knowledge about recommended doses of insecticides and fungicides, Lack of the knowledge about insect-pest and their control measures, Higher cost of inputs like seed, fertilizer and pesticides, Lack of labourers at the time of picking of cotton, of technical guidance from RAEOs, Lack of regular contact of RAEOs with farmer, Lack of Higher charges of labourers, Lack of the knowledge about seed treatment process B. Suggestions for further research work: 1. The present study was confined to ten village only. Hence, the result may not be applicable to a large area. For appropriate generalization similar work should be undertaken on a large scale. 2. In this study, the dependent and independent variable were limited and therefore, further studies may be taken up based on situational and infrastructural variable. 3. More intensive statistical techniques should be used for improving the contribution of different variables, so as to give more strength to the study. 4. A separate study on assessment to knowledge and adoption of components of cotton production practices. 5. A comparative study on assessment of technological gap in B.T. cotton and non B.T. cotton should be conducted. Conclusion 1. Majority of the respondent belong to middle age group, primary and higher secondery education, low social participation, small size of family, medium land holding, medium income group, medium economic motivation, medium risk preference, medium knowledge level, medium mass media exposure, medium extension participation, medium scientific orientation and medium adoption level. 2. Majority of the respondent (51%) had medium technological gap. 3. Education, social participation, size of land holding, annual income, economic motivation, knowledge level, mass media exposure, scientific orientation and adoption level had significant association with technological gap, while Age, size of family, risk preference and extension participation had non significant association with technological gap of cotton growers. 4. Majority of the respondents had supply of electricity problem and lack of the knowledge about recommended doses of insecticides and fungicides. **************ennullA study on technological gap in cultivation of cotton crop in kasrawad block of district khargone (M.P.)Thesis