Dr. Ashok A. PatelD.D.Patel2017-10-072017-10-072004http://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810032500Cotton is a commercial crop that plays a major role in India's economy. In India, it is cultivated across nine states and Gujarat is leading cottongrowing state in the country. Though India is having the largest area under cotton, its average productivity is low against the world average. There may be many reasons for such low productivity. SAUs, private companies and NGOs in India generate large numbers of technologies for cotton cultivation. Unless these technologies are taken to the farmers at the time it is needed, its rate of adoption would be low. Information is considered as a critical input in decision-making particularly for acceptance of a technology by the farmer. Further, there may be many more such information that may help a farmer in taking an economic decision regarding cotton cultivationenExtension EducationStudyINFORMATION NEEDS OF COTTON GROWERSThesis