M.K. GuptaPradip Kumar2024-07-102024-07-102000https://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810211734Inflammation is such a common pathological process that it is graded as synonym of pathology. Though it is a defensive and beneficial process by which body dilutes, destroys or isolates the injurious agents entering into the body; sometimes it wanders away from its beneficial path and becomes considerably harmful. Hence exploration of the highly complex mechanism of such a dynamic and multifaceted process of inflammation holds crucial importance because it can be exploited for enhancing its beneficial effects and limiting its harmful effects. The role of trace elements in regulating, mechanizing and mediating the different cellular activities of the body as well as their association with pathological processes have been very well established because they play a role of catalyst in almost all the vital enzymatic reactions of the biological system. Hence a contributory role of trace elements in mechanizing and mediating different events and reactions of inflammation cannot be ruled out. This experiment was designed to explore the possible role of some essential trace elements like iron, copper, manganese and zinc in different biological events of inflammation. This was carried out by studying the vascular and cellular reactions along with estimating the level of free radicals as well as that of total, protein free and protein bound iron, copper, manganese and zinc in early stages of acute inflammation induced by different chemical agents using quail skin as test model.EnglishStudies on Patho-Physiological Aspects of Cellular And Harmon Reactions of Induced Inflammation In Japanese Quails With Special Reference To Free RadicalsThesis