Dr. Pramod RaiSaddam Hussain2023-11-012023-11-012021https://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810200015Agriculture is the backbone of Indian economy and it provides the livelihood to the majority of population but there are many challenges Indian farmers are facing. The major challenge in agriculture are irrigation water, fragmented land holding, industrialization, urbanization etc which is responsible for reduction the farmland. It is very necessary to adopt the modern and improved agriculture technologies by the involvement of corporate sector, government policies and initiatives to increase the production of total food grain. In this project study has been conducted to study the status of adoption of plasticulture technologies in Jharkhand vis-à-vis with other states and suggest the way to improve the adoption of plasticulture technologies in Jharkhand under Centre for Agribusiness Management, Birsa Agricultural University, Ranchi, Jharkhand. The study is based on secondary data and the data was be collected from various popular articles, research papers, books, news articles, internet sources, media reports and some official websites such as Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchayee Yojana (PMKSY), Mission for Integrated development of Horticulture (MIDH) and Ministry of Agriculture & Farmer’s Welfare. Plasticulture applications are considered as the most important indirect agriculture input which results in moisture conservation, water saving, reduction in fertilizer consumption, helps in precise application of input, plant protection and use of innovative packaging solutions to enhance shelf-life and during collection, storage and transportation of fruits & vegetables. The Indian Council of Agricultural Research, State Agricultural Universities and National Committee on Plasticulture Application in Horticulture are promoting research efforts for the encouragement of Plasticulture Technologies. The Ministry of Agriculture, Ministry of Water Resources and different State government have sponsored promotional activities for Plasticulture Technologies. In year 2019-20 the area covered under micro irrigation is highest in Tamil Nadu is 263494.20 hectares whereas Jammu and Kashmir achieved only 70 hectares. Andhra Pradesh achieved the maximum physical target of protected structure is 17940.06 hectares by achieving 92.81 % of its total target while Madhya Pradesh achieved only 0.15 hectare which is 0.07 % of its total target and the area of Jharkhand covered Micro Irrigation and Protected Structure is 5988.66 and 65.26 hectares respectively.EnglishSTUDY ON ADOPTION OF PLASTICULTURE TECHNOLOGIES IN JHARKHANDThesis