S.C. JainRAVI PRAKASH BAWAL2024-08-232024-08-232024Bawal R.P. and Jain S.C.https://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810213632Mining is a crucial process of extracting valuable minerals and geological materials from the Earth's surface, with the economic viability of exploitation determining the investments required. Mine planning plays a vital role in maximizing the value of mineral deposits while aligning with strategic goals. Open-pit mining, also known as opencast mining, is a less complex method compared to underground mining. The design of an open pit involves various stages, including planning, evaluation, and selection of the best scheme. The stripping ratio, the ratio of overburden thickness to ore thickness, is a key factor in determining the profitability of a mining project. This research study focuses on the Red Ochre mining lease area located 25 km from Nimbahera railway station, District Chittorgarh, in the southern part of Chittorgarh district, India. The study area is characterized by a semi-arid climate with wide variations in temperature and rainfall. The region's topography is gently sloping towards the western side with no natural water bodies or drainage. The geological investigation reveals that the area belongs to the Vindhya Super Group of Satola Group of Bhagwanpura limestone, and it is covered with a thin layer of soil with Red Ochre scree. Red Ochre is found in the area, but it is of inferior quality and suitable for use only in cement industries. The research includes a reserve estimation based on UNFC parameters, and the calculated reserves are categorized as proved reserve, probable reserve, and possible reserves. The mining operation is proposed to be an open-cast method due to the soft nature of the Red Ochre deposit, and excavation will be done using excavators without the need for drilling and blasting. The study also outlines the year-wise development plan for the next five years, detailing the excavation quantities and the proposed mining layout. Additionally, the research presents the post-mining reclamation plan, which includes afforestation to reclaim the mined-out area and convert it into a rainwater collection pond. There is no impact on surface water or groundwater since the proposed excavation is shallow and well above the water table. The study concludes by addressing the disposal of overburden and mineral rejects, indicating that the generated overburden during the next five years will be nil, and the reclaimed area will be utilized for rainwater harvesting for the benefit of nearby villagersEnglishSystematic and Scientific Mine Planning Of Opencast Mine of Red Ochre MineralThesis