Tensingh Gnanaraj, PSangeetha, RKumanan, KTANUVASVijayarani, K2019-07-062019-07-062016http://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810113175TNV_TH_2016_MVM14004A study was conducted for assessing the immunogenicity of live Classical Swine Fever Vaccine in pigs under farm conditions and 54 pigs of 9 - 15 weeks of age were immunized. Pre immunization blood samples and post immunization blood samples at 30, 60, 90 and 120 days post immunization (DPI) were collected.enVeterinary ScienceIMMUNOGENICITY OF LIVE CLASSICAL SWINE FEVER VACCINE UNDER FIELD CONDITIONSThesis