DEVAKUMAR, A. S.KALAI VANI PRIYA, S.2023-01-162023-01-162022-12-16 the dwindling tree cover and increasing climate uncertainties, the role of trees is becoming critical in sustaining ecosystem balance. This is more so in urban ecosystems because increasing urbanization exerts substantial pressure on the environment which drastically alters the use of natural resources. Multiple benefits derived from trees such as biodiversity conservation, carbon sequestration, Oxygen release, etc. help in maintaining the ecosystem balance. The present study is an attempt to quantify some of these benefits of the avenue trees which help in making a calibrated decision in an urban developmental activity. A total of 6981 trees were found, representing 90 different tree species and 32 different genera. Among the tree species, Acacia auriculiformis was found in the highest numbers. The trees sequester a total of 4711.67 tonnes of CO2 and add 3423.5 tonnes of oxygen to the environment. According to the IUCN Red List status of Tree Species, Jacaranda mimosifolia, Khaya senegalensis, Santalum album, Saraca asoca, and Swietenia macrophylla are considered to be Vulnerable while, Pterocarpus marsupium and Aegle marmelos are considered to be Near Threatened. The quantified environmental services in the study indicate that the ecological advantages provided by the trees in metropolitan landscapes surpass the trees' individual costs. Thus, it is imperative to consider the avenue ecosystem critically in sustaining the resilience of urban landscapes.EnglishTREE DIVERSITY CONSERVATION AND ECOSYSTEM SERVICES RENDERED BY AVENUE TREES: CONTRIBUTION OF TREES IN THE OUTER PERIPHERAL RING ROAD BENGALURUThesis