S. I. YusufzaTANK KETAN VALLABHDAS2021-06-212021-06-212019-07https://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810169895Litopenaeus vannamei farming is playing a pivotal role in the socio-economic development of coastal districts of India. India is exporting 4.4 lakh tonnes of shrimp products (2016-17) of which L. vannamei share is 3.30 lakh tonnes. The present study was carried out in all coastal districts of Saurashtra viz. Bhavnagar, Amreli, Gir-Somnath, Junagadh, Porbandar, Devbhumi Dwarka and Jamnagar and Union Territory of Diu. Compendium of act, rules, guidelines, regulations and other notifications (2014) by Coastal Aquaculture Authority of India, Chennai was used as a base for compilation of interview schedule. Descriptive statistical tools was employed wherever required. The work was done with five objectives viz. adoption, knowledge, constraints, GIS imagery and socio-economic profile of the shrimp farmer. Adoption of shrimp farming practices indicated that 54.88% respondents were found to be partial adopters. Major adoption by the farmers viz. jaggery, yeast, vegetable meals and rice was used for water enrichment (100%), SPF healthy seed (100%), DO (100%), nutritionally balance feed (100%), probiotics (99.53%) and HDPE liner (51.63%). If disease outbreak occurs then 2.79% of farmers knows about treatment of the disease. Farmers having enough knowledge about HDPE liner (78.14%), nutritionally balanced supplementary feed (100%), nutritional enrichment (100%), probiotics (99.53%), chain dragging and sludge management (44.19%). Major constraints farmers faced were lack of disease diagnose lab (97.21%), non-availability of land (89.30%), price fluctuation during harvest (88.84%), lack of experience (86.51%), high initial investment (82.33%) and lack of proper extension network (60.47%). Detailed mapping of Saurashtra shrimp farms using high resolution Google imagery was carried out using QGIS software. Socio-economic data revealed that 94.42% farmers having their private land, 75.35% farmers have education above secondary, 58.60% farmers had more than five members in family, 58.44% respondents were having farming experience upto five years and 51.63% partnership type firm. Education and experience were positive and highly significant correlated to the adoption of shrimp farming. The result of the present study was very promising that all the farmers were high adoption rate and follow the guidelines of Coastal Aquaculture Authority at great extent. They have also utilized this knowledge for better profit gaining.EnglishADOPTION OF IMPROVED SHRIMP FARMING PRACTICES IN SAURASHTRA REGION OF GUJARAT 3002Thesis