JJ Abraham, RobinsonAppa Rao, VNarendra Babu, REzhilvelan, S, et al.,TANUVAS2021-03-162021-03-16https://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810162485TNV_AICRP_BC_E_22-29The elimination of disease-causing microbes from the food supply is a primary, compelling and shared objective of all responsible food processors. An incident of morbidity or mortality associated with a food borne pathogen can be disastrous for the consumer, the product and the brand linked to the outbreak as well as to the future commercial viability of the processor's business.EnglishVeterinary ScienceRAPID DETECTION OF MEAT BORNE PATHOGENSTechnologies Developed under AICRP on PHETBook chapter