Ramakrishnan, RSundararaj, ADamodaran, SChandrasekaran, K.P.TANUVAS2016-08-292016-08-291972http://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/74285The haemogram, serum protein and its fractions were studied in eczema, demodectic mange, sarcoptic mange, ancylostomiasis and hepatic cirrhosis. In eczema, the ESR was elevated. Leucocytosis, due to increase of neutrophils and eosinophils was observed. The level of albumin fraction was depressed. In demodectic mange increased EST, eosinophilia and hypoalbuminaemia were encountered. In sarcoptic mange, increased ESR, leucocytosis, monocytosis and hypoalbuminaemia were present. In ancylostomiases, anaemia, increased ESR, eosinophilia hypoproteinaemia due to marked reduction in albumin fraction were seen. In hepatic cirrhosis anaemia, accelerated ESR, leucocytosis due to neutrophilia and pronounced hypoproteinaemia due to reduction in albumin fraction were seen. There was also incomplete resolution between beta and gamma fractions.en-USHaemogram and Serum Proteinogram in some Canine DiseasesVol.01 Iss.01 Pg.011-020Article