Kumar, MukulPrajapati, Pawan Kumar2022-12-312022-12-312022-08-10Pawan Kumar Prajapati. 2022. Heterosis and combining ability for yield and its contributing traits in linseed (Linum usitatissimum L.). Thesis, M.Sc.https://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810190909A half diallel experiment involving six parents was carried out in randomized block design with three replications at PG research Farm, Banda University of Agriculture and Technology, Banda, Uttar Pradesh, India to assess the gene action, combining ability (GCA and SCA) and heterosis for seed yield and its eight contributing characters in linseed under agro climatic condition of Bundelkhand region. The genetic analysis was done following Griffing’s Method II with Model I (1956). The study revealed the importance of both additive and non-additive gene effects for all the traits with preponderance of nonadditive gene effects for seed yield per plant, Days to 50% flowering, Days to maturity, Plant height, Number of branches per plant, Number of capsules per plant, Number of seeds per capsule and Biological yield per plant whereas 1000-seed weigh showed predominance of additive gene effect. On the basis of general combining ability (GCA), the parents, LMS 2015-27 and Shekhar could be exploited for developing prolific pure lines varieties in linseed. The parallelism between heterosis and SCA effects indicated that heterotic response alone may be good indicator for selection of superior cross combinations, On the basis of comparison of per se performance, SCA effects and heterotic response for seed yield and its number of important attributing traits, the crosses, Shekhar × GP-1050, LMS 2015-27 × GP-1028, Shekhar × GP-820, LMS 2015-27 × GP-820 and LMS 2015-27 × GP-1050 may be included in recombination breeding for developing high yielding genetic stock/varieties in linseed.EnglishHeterosis and combining ability for yield and its contributing traits in linseed (Linum usitatissimum L.)Thesis