RAVI KUMAR, N. D., B.F.Sc.2019-07-052019-07-052011http://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810112903Fisheries, a sunrise sector of our economy, play an important role in the socioeconomic development of India, in view of its contribution to the food basket, nutritional and 0.50 million kmâ of continental shelf area. The estimated annual production potential of marine fishery resources of India is 3.90 million tones presently. The contribution of fisheries sector to GDP has been estimated to be 1.24% (Shyam, 2007). Fish is a cheap source of animal protein, has an annual per capita consumption of 9 kg in India as compared to the 11 kg recommended by WHO The marine fish landing of India in 2009 is estimated as 3.16 million tones. The pelagic fishes constituted 52%, demersal fishes 28%, crustaceans 16% and molluscs 4% of the total landings. The west coast and east coast accounted for 56% and 44% respectively (Anon, 201 Oa). stimulating several subsidiary enterprises. Most importantly, fisheries is a source of livelihood for a large section of the economically backward population (Ayyappan, 2006b). The country has 8,129 km of coastline security, sustainable large foreign exchange earnings, generation of employment and income, besidesSTUDIES ON BREEDING SEASONALITY OF OTOLITHES RUBER (SCHNEIDER, 1801) ALONG DAKSHINA KANNADA COAST WITH A NOTE ON THE IMPACT OF MONSOON FISHING BAN ON THE LIVELIHOOD OF FISHERFOLKThesis