DR. R. S. PUNDIRGADHAVI MONABEN DHIRUBHAI2017-05-312017-05-312011http://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810013297The bakery industry in India is the largest of food industry with an annual turnover of about ` 4,000 crore. Market for bread segment has increased with a growth rate of 6.0% during the period 2004-05 to 2009-10. The sector is predominated by the unorganised sub sector accounting for about 85 per cent. The per capita consumption of bread in the country is 2 kg per annum. The Product variation involves 85% of milk bread, 10% of brown bread, 3% of fruit bread, and 2% of nutritional and other speciality. Major players for bread production in the country are Britannia and Modern Industries Ltd.enAnalysisCOMPREHENSIVE ANALYSIS OF AMUL BAKERY PRODUCTS IN ANAND AND VIDYANAGAR CITIESThesis