Dr. N. K. DhamsaniyaCHARAN SINGH2023-12-162023-12-162022-09https://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810203587Sapota or Sapodilla belongs to the Sapotaceae family and is a tropical evergreen plant. India is among the largest producer of sapota along with Mexico, Venezuela and Guatemala. The total fruit production of India in 2019-20 was 813 lakh tonnes. The major problem with sapota storage is its quick ripening and faster senescence of fruit. Fruit is also sensitive toward chilling injury. Ultraviolet (UV) irradiation technology is an emerging non-chemical and non thermal technology which is establishing its demand slowly in the food industry. From the food processing point of view, UV-C is of great importance because of its germicidal effect. Ultraviolet-C radiation can increase the shelf life by decreasing the microbial count and enhancing the defence system of fruits and vegetables. UV-C has shown potential in delaying ripening and increasing the shelf life of various fruits and vegetables. Therefore, UV-C provides an opportunity to increase the shelf life of sapota. The ultraviolet-C irradiation chamber with varying intensity and proper mechanism to uniformly treat all sides of sapota is not available in the market. Hence, a UV-C irradiation chamber was developed and its effect on physical, biochemical and microbial parameters was tested.EnglishDEVELOPMENT OF ULTRAVIOLET-C IRRADIATION CHAMBER FOR SAPOTA 3576Thesis