Dr. Sanjiv KumarKRISHNA GHAWATE2017-05-232017-05-232010http://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810012095Indian Agrochemical industry has evolved to become the twelfth largest in the world & first in Asia. The Indian Agrochemical Industry is undergoing wide range of transformations, which include the increasing role of private Agrochemical companies, joint ventures of Indian companies with multinational companies with focus on biotechnology, and wide ranging changes in regulatory frameworks, which would change marketing and trade in coming years. In value terms, the size of the Indian pesticides industry was around Rs. 5000cr including export of Rs. 32 billion and production of 90,000 MT in 2008-09. PesticideenStudySCOPE, IMPORTANCE AND PROCESSING OF AGROCHEMICAL REGISTRATION IN AND OUTSIDE INDIAThesis