Latika SharmaSINGH, NOVJOTMPUAT, Udaipur2023-10-162023-10-162023Singh N. and Sharma L. purpose of the current study was to evaluate the factor affecting adoption behaviour and resource use efficiency of organic farmers in Southern Rajasthan. The study was based on primary data which was collected by pre-structured and pre-tested schedules from season Rabi 2022-23 and secondary data collected from published and unpublished reports, journals, government or non-government published sources. Total 60 organic farmers and 60 inorganic farmers were selected from Bhilwara and Chittorgarh districts. Two tehsils from each district were selected and one village from each tehsil was selected to conduct the research. Status of organic farmers, economics and adoption behaviour and resource use efficiency was calculated to fulfill the objectives of research. The study revealed that total number of farmers registered for organic certification and area organically certified was increasing with compound growth rate 6.41 and 3.45 from year 2008-09 to 2020-21. The total cost of cultivation of organic wheat was ₹ 52504.63 and for inorganic wheat was ₹ 56919.69 per hectare. Return per rupee of organic wheat cultivation (1.82) was found higher as compared to inorganic wheat cultivation (1.68). Out of the selected variables education level, availability of FYM, availability of marketing facility, premium price in market and lower yield level were found significantly influencing the farmers to adopt organic farming. The resource use efficiency analysis showed that resources are not being used as efficiently as they may be in the research region, which could lead to higher production. As stated by the sample farmers the major reasons for shifting over to organic wheat cultivation were increasing return from organic wheat, quality of organic products, improvement in soil health and health concerns of familyEnglishAdoption Behaviour and Resource Use Efficiency of Organic Farmers in Southern RajasthanThesis