A.K. MeenaRAKESH KUMAR2023-10-202023-10-202020https://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810199593Mothbean, Vigna aconitifolia (Jacq.) Marechal is a short-day crop is one of the most drought resistant pulses in India and mainly in Rajasthan. It is commonly called mat, moth, matki in Hindi, Turkish gram, aconite bean or dew bean (English), Kheri (Bengali), Kunkuma (Telgu), Math (Gujrathi), Madike (Kannada), Tulkapulpyrai (Tamil) and Bhioni (Punjabi). It is generally cultivated in hot and dry habitats of Northern- Western parts of India. It is grown for human consumption and also used in many industries. Mothbean is native to India, Myanmar and Pakistan, where it grows as a wild and cultivated plant. However, it is also grown in other parts of Africa, Asia, the United States, Australia, Cuba and Thailand. Ecologically, mothbean is an annual legume crop of dry and warm habitats and is characterized as the most drought hardy annual legume in arid regions. Mothbean with deep and quick penetrating rooting system, can survive up to 30-40 days in open fields (Kumar D, 2002). It has ability to grow under harsh climate, low rainfall and poor & sandy soil conditions and considered as most important pulse crop of arid Rajasthan (Sharma and Ratnoo, 2014).EnglishManagement and Biochemical Studies on Cercospora Leaf Spot of Mothbean Incited by Cercospora canescens Ellis and MartinThesis