Nayeema JabeenSpaldon, Sonam2021-04-062021-04-062011 Thesis submitted to SKUAST KashmirThe present investigation on “Combining Ability and Heterosis Analysis for Yield and Quality Characters in Chilli (Capsicum annum L.)” was carried out at the Vegetable Experimental Farm of Division of Vegetable Science, SKUAST-K, Shalimar during Kharif 2010 and 2011. Thirteen parents (10 lines and 3 testers) and thirty crosses from line x tester design were evaluated in a randomized block design with three replication. General combining ability revealed that among the lines SC-23, SC-304, SC-108 exhibited desirable gca effects for most of the traits while among the testers the parents Arka Lohit was found to have significant gca effect for number of fruits plant-1, average fruit weight, fruit length, yield hectare-1 and number of seeds fruit-1. In general variances were higher than gca variances for all the characters indicating the predominance of non additive gene action. The average degree of dominance was found to be in the range of over dominance for plant height, number of fruits plant-1, average fruit weight, days to first flower, days to fruiting, days to ripening, fruit length, yield hectare-1 and number of seeds fruit-1. However for characters like plant spread and fruit width partial dominance was observed. The analysis of variance for combining ability revealed that lines, testers and crosses were highly significant for all the traits under observations. The crosses combinations SC-502 x Arka Lohit, SC-23 x Local, SC-814 x Local and SC-23 x Kashmir Long-1 were identified as good specific combiners for most of the traits. The estimates of specific combining ability effect along with per se performance of crosses was found in desirable direction for plant height, plant spread, number of fruits plant-1 and yield hectare-1. In general the percent contribution for all the traits except plant height and plant spread was maximum due to lines x tester interactions. Most of the crosses exhibited desirable heterosis over better parent for all the characters. Fruit yield recorded a highest heterosis of (141.05%) followed by seed number (117.59%) and average fruit weight (96.69%). However, for the fruit quality characters such as, capsaicin, capsanthin, oleoresin, ascorbic acid and total chlorophyll most of the crosses showed significant effect in the desired direction. The cross combination of SC-23 x Kashmir Long-1 was found superior in respect of oleoresin and total chlorophyll. Overall observation of the results indicated that the characters viz., plant height, number of fruits plant-1, average fruit weight, days to first flower, days to fruiting, days to ripening, fruit length, fruit yield hectare-1 and number of seeds fruit-1 were under non additive genetic control and could be exploited for development of superior hybrids suitable for the agro-climatic conditions of Kashmir.EnglishGeneral combining abilitySpecific com bining abilityHeterosis and ChilliOlericulture/Vegetable ScienceCombining Ability and Heterosis Analysis for Yield and Quality Characters in Chilli (Capsicum annum L.)Thesis