Raghupathi, D.MOHD, RIYAZ2018-07-102018-07-102017-10-27Th-11864http://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810058599The research was conducted in Bidar District of Karnataka during the year 2016- 17 to analyse the technological gap among redgram growers. Data were collected from Aurad, Bhalki and Basavakalyan taluks. A total 120 respondents were selected randomly for the study. The study revealed that about (48.33%) of the respondents belonged to medium technological gap category followed by high (33.33%) and low (18.34%) category of technological gap. Among 14 selected redgram cultivation practices, highest technological gap was observed in application of weedicides (86.67%) and no technological gap was found in preparatory tillage and harvesting practices. The independent variables like economic status, farming experience, innovative proneness, social participation, cell phone utilization and management orientation had positive and significant relationship with technological gap at 5% level of significance. While mass media participation had positive and highly significant relationship with technological gap at 1% level of significance. Further, it was observed that majority (58.83%) of respondents sold their produce through commission agents. With respect to constraints of marketing majority (79.16%) of respondents opined that unanticipated price fluctuation, as a consequence they obtained low profits and about 66.66 per cent of respondents suggested to reduce the middlemen interference in marketing of redgram so that producers share in consumer rupee can be enhanced. The development departments of agriculture and allied sector should intensify the extension educational activity to educate and popularise the farmers about recommended cultivation practices of redgram by using appropriate extension methods to motivate them to adopt recommended practices.ennullTECHNOLOGICAL GAP ANALYSIS OF REDGRAM GROWERS IN BIDAR DISTRICT OF KARNATAKAThesis